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Why did we choose Bled for coworking space?


  • Bled has superior air-quality and nature equanimity with lots of hike opportunities close to mountains around. Existing in nature helps you to faster recharge and recover your mental wellbeing, especially after exhaustive hackathons and conferences.
  • It's not overcrowded place to live, it's silent and calm, Bled is small village with approximately 5000 citizens.
  • lot of options of sport activities to do to grow your body and soul.
  • Bled has amazing medieval history, which we highly reccomend to read.
  • yangwao been living in Bled since October 2021 and found it pretty well balanced place for wellbeing, with close reach to Ljubljana, Austrian Mountains, Italian Dolomites and sea side of Croatian-Italian Istrija.


First SubWork citizen

  • x/yangwao,farcaster/yangwao has decided during early lockdown periods to relocate, where it's calm, beautiful nature outlook. On top of criteria been for affordable life to cater needs of wellbeing. Pursuing superior air-quality in Julian Alps, over to 2880 annual sun hours, guaranted great mood even during winter which after experiencing cloudless winter it was go-to place and he prefered to stick with mountain rather seaside. Hospitality of local German-Slavics offered best from both, high morale and quality of delivery food and products. With close access to capital Ljubljana under 40mins, 30mins to international airport, under 90mins to seaside is amazing choice place to be. Scenic place Bled offeres aesthetics with lake, church on Island in the middle and rock with medieval castle on the top with background of Karawanke two thousand high mountain top having snow even till late spring. Meanwhile thanks living in Bled, he has managed in 6 weeks to loose 12 kgs.


Removing city stimulus

  • Removing city stimulus was one of key decision in choice of place as nowadays we spend great amount of screen time on telegram, discord, github, zoom, meetings and gpt prompts. After finishing work, you want to have instant access to nature under your finger and no need to rush to park in your city to relax and recharge.

Positive transformation

  • Living in Bled had transformative effect on all tenants of SubWork where they body and soul being upgraded to new athletic achievers. Yangwao personally lost 12kg in 6 weeks just in snap and cured out from burn out. ppl pivoted to better job or improved their delivery and feel more happier about their wellbeing
  • Check out our family members


Being more present

  • Refreshing activities like meditation at lake, run up hill to enjoy views are underappreciated for creativity boosts, which are hard to find in noise cities and take moment to being present.

European hotspot for camping

  • Most important, no wonder it's touristic hotspot in Europe among campers as in surrounding there are lot of camp sites at beautiful white-blue rivers has during summer camping surge

Meaningful Internet-first community

  • Building from scratch among web3 builders who are aligned with same values, they decided to build next unicorn, found power being alone and not being influenced by peers in city, yet highly autonomous individiuals and wild enough.

Why we choosed Slovenia?

Slovenia is most crypto friendly destination in Europe. This was one of foundational reason why choosed Slovenia. Because is home of Apillon, BlockAnalitica, Bitstamp, BTC City, GoCrypto PoS, Iconomi, OriginTrail and Punk Domains. Cherry on top, Slovenia has First Blockchain monument in the world - Bitcoin roundabout.

Rich Crypto Art culture

We've got "BTC City", which has prank story behind., 1. The Miha Artnak, a Slovenian artist, directed us to an earlier, similar piece on a painting made of dove droppings selling for $1.2 million, as shown below. Cream Cake NFT - famous Bled cake on OpenSea, collection item on OS

Digital Nation - Network State

Have you heard about The Network State right? It's Balaji stunt and we reccomend learn more about where Startup cities are going. Check Network State Dashboard for more blooming Internet-first communities around world as we are not only one crazy here. Listen podcast with Balaji Srinivasan about The Network State. Few writings and recordings

Bled is most expensive part of Slovenia

Yes, we are pretty aware of this and we believe that price range filters out noise people. It's sort of economical mechanism to filter out valuable talent from noise. We believe that space should be dedicated for grinders and those who want to deliver on day one. In same fashion we help talents to bloom through our SubWork Fellowship program, if they can't afford to come. Same apply if you are coming from various under represented minority.

Air quality

Air quality around Bled & Bohinj are one of more cleanest in surrounding area. Spending time in clean air is healthy for people with respiratory issues. You can check real time numbers on following sites. Air Quality in area by Google, Air quality by IQAir, Air quality by aqicn, Air quality y

Tourism and expansion

Small village with 5k citizens scales up over seasson up to 383k visits (2022).. Slovenia itself is performing well on tourism, tourism report for 2023

The year 2023 was the most successful year for Slovenian tourism so far. We recorded 16.13 million overnight stays, which is 2 percent more than in 2019 and 3.5 percent more than in 2022. We realized 6.19 million arrivals, which is almost 6 percent rise compared to 2022 and only 0.6 percent drop compared to 2019. At the same time, we kept the average length of stay at the level of 2019, despite the trend of shorter breaks during the year.



But if you don't change your direction, and if you keep looking, you may end up where you are heading.