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Partner with SubWork


We have limited offer for first three coworkings in close area to partner with us to make their coworking membership offer much differentated from others coworking

Usually coworkers are people who are welcoming environmental change and gives them boost from new space to bring new ideas or brainstorm with their remote team and change perspective. SubWork is placed in area of Bled Lake which offers calming nature and stop subcoincouss rushing of city and everyday chaos.

Improve me^

How partnership would work?

We can offer from start 100% off for your coworkers if they reffer as coming from your cowork for initial period of 3 months since first coworker. Later we aim to subsidise your coworkers with 50% from our prices to keep it viable for both sides and make it win-win-win for your coworking, your community and SubWork. As our space is cozy and small with lounge areas and currently offers maximum 20 seats to work from, we are limiting this offer for 5 coworkers per cowork at one time.

Can we have different tier of partnership with SubWork?

Sure, we are open to offers as we are in initial period, feel free to reach out us on Telegram